What does high blood pressure, poor digestion and illness have in common??

I'm excited about this blog today and hope you learn something. Also please give me some feedback on if this is helpful or what you want to read about next. (Send me a message using the link at the end of this blog!)

Currently I drive a lot of my blog content from actual interactions in my office or over coffee. This week seemed to have a very common thread. Often it's easy for me to overlook some concepts that seem, well... common.

Stress is common. We all deal with it and we all handle it differently. Let's break it down real quick.

Stress is good. Consistently high stress is bad.

I think we can leave it that simple for now and no one's gonna throw a fit. Sound alright?

We have a couple major players-

1) Fight, flight or freeze or the sympathetic nervous system

2) Rest and digest or the parasympathetic nervous system

As you can see above, stress breaths, harder working heart, and an inactive digestive system follows along with lots of stress. Holy shit, right? All of those things can be disrupted by stress?

We also need to reduce stress to slow our heart down, digest food, and stay healthy. This is such an important topic to understand. It can change your entire body over time if not addressed.

If you haven't gotten to the bottom of today's blog yet, here it is...... you can use your slow breathing techniques to improve your blood pressure, improve digestion, and stay healthy.

Give yourself 5 minutes to relax in a comfortable position, turn on some soothing music and just focus on the air moving in your nose and out of your nose.

Click here if you’d like to learn more about our in-person services or if you have any questions about breathwork, send me a message here!

Blog post written by James Fryer, NMT